Friday, June 10, 2005

handmade chloe

handmade chloe
Originally uploaded by sourgrass.

chloe made her teacher a necklace out of various beads i had around. we had to string it about 3 or 4 times because she kept dropping the beads. she gets frustrated easily, hmmm don't know where she gets that from. her teacher was so amazing. she said that chloe had really matured over the past semester and is totally ready for 1st grade. i will miss her and the other cuties in her class, but we visited their new school the other night and the teachers there were very nice, and the rooms were super playful, so that made me feel better.

lily's purse

lily's purse
Originally uploaded by sourgrass.

this is the purse that i made for lily to give to her teacher. i made up the pattern, and it's kind of wonky in some parts, but overall it should make a good book bag. lily's teacher was great and deserves a million dollars inside the bag, she really had a fantastic year.

the $3 challenge

yard sale finds
Originally uploaded by sourgrass.

I wanted to go to this neighborhood yard sale up the street today, but discovered that i only had about $3 in change to spend. i thought it would be fun to turn it into a challenge so that i didn't get all mad if i found a BUNCH of stuff. so i set some rules for myself: i could only buy stuff that i didn't allready have, i could only spend a dollar at each sale or less, and the third was that when all the money was gone, i had to go home. it turned out pretty well, i'm reallly happy with my finds, the first sale i got the 3 cute coloring books mostly to copy the patterns for sewing total cost 30 cents. the second sale i bought the table cloth ( i know i have a billion of these!) and the two rag balls which were a total steal at only 25 cents each! total there: $1.50, broke one of my rules, but it was worth it. the third sale, i got the fingerpaints and paper for 75 cents. this was awesome since i had just ran out of both and would need to get some more for summer projects. at the last sale, i got the strawberry shortcake book for a quarter. I didn't even spend the whole $3.
today is the last day of school. i get the girls at noon. i'm happy at the thought of spending time with them and all our friends this summer, but sad that we will not be returning to the same school next year. we will miss all our friends.
i have some more posts.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

yard sale find

new platter
Originally uploaded by sourgrass.

The weekend neighborhood yard sales were great! we got out nice and early as usual with two wagons ready to fill. it's so nice now that the girls are old enough to walk and not get so cranky. they made it about a block or two before they were in the wagon as well. i can't blame them, it was a HOT day. I scored some craft supplies, books, wooden salad bowls, knitting needles, bits of fabric, some salt and pepper shakers, and this adorable pear bowl. it's actually lily's bowl, her $2 but she is letting me borrow it. Shawn got some electronic stuff, some really old computer, and tools. he also got this singing lobster which freaks us all out, but makes for excellent summer decorating.
i'm pretty yard saled out for awhile. the girls get out of school tomorrow. no more kindergardener. my baby is going into 1st, and little lily is allready reading chapter books at night. she reminds me of my sister not only in looks, but how she reads. i'm reading Harry Potter 4 for the 3rd time. It's how I like to start my summer reading. i have a long list of books and we just got our summer reading stuff from the library yesterday. last year i only read 9 books, so i've got to get a bit speedier. i have some new purses to post soon as well as some more finds.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Sewing skirts

Originally uploaded by sourgrass.

I spent this morning sewing 3 new skirts for the girls. they refuse to wear anything really other than skirts and i'm running out. I like this pink stripped one the best especially since i sewed a zipper in the back instead of an elastic waist like the others.
got to get my booty outside before it rains!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Thrift score

Originally uploaded by sourgrass.

Here are my thrift scores for today:
a pair of rocketdog shoes for $2
a bag of mohair yarn for $2
a cool knitting pattern $2.25
a picture frame 50 cents
5 cones of cotton yarn $5
a skirt pattern 10 cents
and an old piece of feedsack cloth 50 cents

I was really happy with my finds.
this weekend is our neighborhood yard sale. It's my favorite so hopefully there will be lots of craft goodies to be had.