Friday, April 08, 2011
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
ahh the first day of school has arrived! i honestly didn't think that we would be able to get ourselves out of bed in time to get there, but as soon as the alarm went off, we all jumped up, excited to start the school year. well, not exactly "jumped up" there was some whining on my part, and "just 5 more minutes", but we made it in plenty of time.
Chloe was anxious to leave the house, she really really wanted to walk all by herself. I was all for it, but Shawn was a little worried. There is no stopping Chloe once she sets her mind to something, so we agreed that she could leave a little ahead of the rest of us.
Here are the traditional first day of school pictures:

Chloe was anxious to leave the house, she really really wanted to walk all by herself. I was all for it, but Shawn was a little worried. There is no stopping Chloe once she sets her mind to something, so we agreed that she could leave a little ahead of the rest of us.
Here are the traditional first day of school pictures:

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Allright, so I'm totally stealing this from my sister's blog, but I'm sure I'm a bigger fan of "Tranji" than she is. It's my mom! I guess she and my sister ran into Benji and Tranvis while in L.A. My mom went to be on the Price is Right, but didn't get called to be on stage, bummer, but they were in the third row, so I'm sure they got a good look at Bob Barker's corpse. I mean really, how long can that man live?
Monday, August 14, 2006

I had to get this t-shirt via Cupcake Royale. I'm a big fan of the cupcake, or any cake in gerneral. They are my weekness. Like Shawn has icecream and cereal, and the girls have candy from the five and dime, I've never met a piece of cake or cupcake that I didn't like. I've gotten to the point where one piece in never enough, so having a cake around is dangerous. We don't have a "cupcake" like shop around here, but it would be so cool if we did. My little dream downtown would be a yarn store, Japanese book shop, cupcake bakery, playmobile/toystore, and an excellent organic grocery store with butchershop. I could ride my bike there, fill my baskets, and take a little break at Bombadill's. Can the DDA get on that please?
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Here some pictures of our trip to the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village.

Notice the Heywood Wakefield furnishings.
This is the livingroom of the Dymaxion House, a completly round house made out of alluminum and suspended by cables.

Here is what the roof looks like, kind of a big umbrella. The square footage is actually bigger than our ranch house, but doesn't feel as spacious. I didn't care much for the bathroom and it's airplane like feel, but the rotating storage units were cool.

Here are the girls and Shawn sitting in the bus that Rosa Parks made history on.
This section of the museum is filled with artifacts representing the quest for freedom in America. There is the chair that President Lincoln was shot in, materials on the Civil Rights movement, and items dating back to our naitons independence. My favorite sections is fully furnished exhibit. It's like looking at a giant dollhouse full of historic funishings. There are dollhouses there as well, amazing little houses, one based on an actual Detroit residence. I mentioned that I wanted a dollhouse, and Shawn said "I'll make you one, just drawn up the plans." I've put it in writing, and I'm holding him to it.
Lastly the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile.

This is the vintage Wienermobile located outside the Wiendermobile Cafe. Outside, near the entrance to the Village was the updated Wienermobile.

They were auditioning children to be in Oscar Meyer commercials by singing the wiener song. Suddenly my children became unusually shy. MY CHILDREN would not sing the "oh I wish I was an Oscar Meyer wiener" song. I bribbed them and everything. Money almost always works, but not in this case. We did get free wiener wistles though. Geez, how many times can I type the word wiener??
Notice the Heywood Wakefield furnishings.
This is the livingroom of the Dymaxion House, a completly round house made out of alluminum and suspended by cables.
Here is what the roof looks like, kind of a big umbrella. The square footage is actually bigger than our ranch house, but doesn't feel as spacious. I didn't care much for the bathroom and it's airplane like feel, but the rotating storage units were cool.
Here are the girls and Shawn sitting in the bus that Rosa Parks made history on.
This section of the museum is filled with artifacts representing the quest for freedom in America. There is the chair that President Lincoln was shot in, materials on the Civil Rights movement, and items dating back to our naitons independence. My favorite sections is fully furnished exhibit. It's like looking at a giant dollhouse full of historic funishings. There are dollhouses there as well, amazing little houses, one based on an actual Detroit residence. I mentioned that I wanted a dollhouse, and Shawn said "I'll make you one, just drawn up the plans." I've put it in writing, and I'm holding him to it.
Lastly the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile.
This is the vintage Wienermobile located outside the Wiendermobile Cafe. Outside, near the entrance to the Village was the updated Wienermobile.
They were auditioning children to be in Oscar Meyer commercials by singing the wiener song. Suddenly my children became unusually shy. MY CHILDREN would not sing the "oh I wish I was an Oscar Meyer wiener" song. I bribbed them and everything. Money almost always works, but not in this case. We did get free wiener wistles though. Geez, how many times can I type the word wiener??
Friday, August 11, 2006
Here is the cute tampon doll I got at the Detroit Craft Fair courtesy of My Paper Crane. Heidi wasn't actually there, someone else was selling the dolls as well as a bunch of other artists stuff. I was so excited when I saw them. I've always wanted something of MPC, but never took the time to order. Now that I see how well they are made and how cute they are in person, I'm going to have to get some more. Chloe went with me to pick it out. She was really embarressed and hiding behind me. I asked her if she wanted to hold it, and she was like "MOM! no!", but then cuddled it all the way home in the car. Now it proudly sits on the back of the toilet.
We are off to the Henry Ford Museum today. I'm excited to see the Oscar Meyer Weiner Mobile and get a weiner wistle. I finsished project 1 of 3, and will get something posted soon. Oops got to run, Shawn is annoyed with all us women who take too long to get out of the house, it used to be the other way around, i've gotten more relaxed in my old age!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
See what you can get when you go to the Ypsilanti Tuesday Farmer's Market at the Key Bank parking lot!
Green beans, little sweet peppers, corn, collards, cucumbers, summer apples, blueberries, and a veggie pasty all that for about $12. it's a bargin. I love that it just keeps getting better too as the summer goes on.
It's been quite a lazy week and start to this day. We've finally been able to turn the air off and get some fresh air in the house. The basement is still a meat locker though which is a nice escape in the middle of the afternoon. I have 3 project that are almost complete. I still need to comment on the Detroit Urban Craft Fair too. Perhaps if the sun comes out today I'll snap some pictures of my finds.
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