Friday, August 11, 2006

Tampon Doll, My Paper Crane
Here is the cute tampon doll I got at the Detroit Craft Fair courtesy of My Paper Crane. Heidi wasn't actually there, someone else was selling the dolls as well as a bunch of other artists stuff. I was so excited when I saw them. I've always wanted something of MPC, but never took the time to order. Now that I see how well they are made and how cute they are in person, I'm going to have to get some more. Chloe went with me to pick it out. She was really embarressed and hiding behind me. I asked her if she wanted to hold it, and she was like "MOM! no!", but then cuddled it all the way home in the car. Now it proudly sits on the back of the toilet.
We are off to the Henry Ford Museum today. I'm excited to see the Oscar Meyer Weiner Mobile and get a weiner wistle. I finsished project 1 of 3, and will get something posted soon. Oops got to run, Shawn is annoyed with all us women who take too long to get out of the house, it used to be the other way around, i've gotten more relaxed in my old age!

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