so i'll kind of start a fresh new blog, we've started the summer with a little gardening, as you can see, i have plenty of help.
Lily and Chloe have been working on making Fairey houses and trying not to trample any of the new plants I have put in. i'm going to try really hard this year not to be neglectful and let the weeds eat all my hard work.
Next we headed to Greenfield village
Chloe wasn't feeling the moment.
I love walking through all the homes and seeing how they were decorated. This house was insulated using cardboard and old newspapers.
The beds were covered with these adorable quilts.
We're kind of set on visiting as many places as we can in Michigan this year. I've never been up North since we've moved here, and the girls are excited about going to the dunes and lakes. I'm such a homebody, so I'm thinking that some weekend adventures would be just the thing. Other goals are helping Lily learn to sew on the machine her grandma gave her, and perhaps Chloe as well. I have a small lists of projects to start and hopefully finish by the end of summer. i'm hoping that this will kick my butt into getting them done.
Check out my sister's blog for a great picture of her with my boyfried Anthony. I get cable TV today!! we haven't had cable in years, and i had no idea how far it had come. i can watch "a cook's tour" ON DEMAND. since tomorrow is the girl's last day of school, we're having a "rot your brain" day. basically they can watch all the tv they want all day without me setting the timer like i usually do. it's their one true day of tv freedom. tomorrow i'll post our NEW ikea furniture, after i clean up all the crap. xoxo
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