Today is quite gloomy and rainy. i feel sorry for the girls. they are supposed to go to a water park today with their camp, it's like the big ta-doo at camp week, so i'm hoping that they will postpone it til tomorrow. i like the rain. it feels good to not have to water the plants. i'm listening to the
Craftsanity interview with Heidi from
My Paper Crane I've been reading Heidi's blog for a long time now, and am always amazed at what she is able to make with fabric. I always wonder where moms get the energy to do so much, especially moms with small children. My girls are older now, and they are pretty self sufficiant, they can run the cable tv better than I I have large chunks of time to myself to get things done. But I get so occupied with cleaning!!!! ug, it drives me's not like i'm OCD or something, but i just like things to be in their place. Right now, since i have basically ALL DAY to myself, i'm really trying to get some things done that I would normally not be able to get around to, like large chunks of sewing. I take breaks and put away toys and dishes, but for the most part, i'm really trying to ignore the piles of stuff here and there. I had this friend years ago who NEVER cleaned. she was a stay at home mom artist, a wonderful painter and crafter, really talented, and that's what she did with her day. we would go over and there would be just stuff everywhere, dishes, laundry, crap, everywhere, and she would just be like, whatever. i kind of admired her ability to ignore the mess.
so this week, i have been able to get alot done. I made some bags, and have some cute little notebooks and phonebook covers on the way to the cutting table. I ordered some fabric from
Kittycraft that I can't wait to get my hands on.
I just noticed that craftsanity is going to be at the Detroit Urban Craft Fair! So cool, can't wait to listen to the podcast.
Shawn skipped out of work yesterday to take me out for lunch, and get me these cool shoes:

i don't deserve such niceness. he's also hanging out with our friend Gerry and the kids this weekend while his wife and I and many others attend the Beer Festival.
here is a funny photo of me from last weekend, i look like i'm appalled about something, i don't recall what stacey was talking about, but most likely something about the Ypsi Mayoral canidates, it tends to occupy our conversations lately.

If you are curious, I like Pierce.
I think you are appalled at how huge my upper arm is.
Hey hunni luv the blog.
Love someone in Australia
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