Here some pictures of our trip to the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village.

Notice the Heywood Wakefield furnishings.
This is the livingroom of the
Dymaxion House, a completly round house made out of alluminum and suspended by cables.

Here is what the roof looks like, kind of a big umbrella. The square footage is actually bigger than our ranch house, but doesn't feel as spacious. I didn't care much for the bathroom and it's airplane like feel, but the rotating storage units were cool.

Here are the girls and Shawn sitting in the bus that Rosa Parks made history on.
This section of the museum is filled with artifacts representing the quest for freedom in America. There is the chair that President Lincoln was shot in, materials on the Civil Rights movement, and items dating back to our naitons independence. My favorite sections is
fully furnished exhibit. It's like looking at a giant dollhouse full of historic funishings. There are dollhouses there as well, amazing little houses, one based on an actual Detroit residence. I mentioned that I wanted a dollhouse, and Shawn said "I'll make you one, just drawn up the plans." I've put it in writing, and I'm holding him to it.
Lastly the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile.

This is the vintage Wienermobile located outside the Wiendermobile Cafe. Outside, near the entrance to the Village was the updated Wienermobile.

They were auditioning children to be in Oscar Meyer commercials by singing the wiener song. Suddenly my children became unusually shy. MY CHILDREN would not sing the "oh I wish I was an Oscar Meyer wiener" song. I bribbed them and everything. Money almost always works, but not in this case. We did get free wiener wistles though. Geez, how many times can I type the word wiener??