What does a mayor do? It's something that I've been thinking and discussing with friends lately. If you haven't heard (big national news) Ypsilanti is in the midst of a heated Mayoral Election. I've never really been educated on local politics, and I guess as I grow older, I find myself becoming more and more interested in what is going on in the community. I have children in the public schools, we support local businesses, and we go to every single parade this parade loving town offers! I want to see Ypsilanti succeed and continue to live here into old age. So I care about the city. What I need to know is, what does a mayor of a city the size of Ypsilanti do???
Looking online, I found the following:
The Mayor is elected for a term of four (4) years. The powers and duties of the Mayor are as follows:
*Presiding Officer. Act as the the presiding officer of the City Council, supervise all departments of the City, except for supervisory duties delegated to the City Administrator, give direction to department heads concerning the functions of the departments, and have the power to examine all functions of the municipal departments, their records and to call for special reports from department heads at any time.
*Proclamation of Emergency. Have authority to take command of the police and govern the City by proclamation, upon making a determination that a time of emergency or public danger exists. Within the City limits, the Mayor has all the powers conferred upon the Sheriff to suppress disorders.
*Special Meetings. Call special meetings of the Council when the Mayor deems such meetings necessary to the interests of the City.
*Mayor's Veto. Sign, veto or take no action on an ordinance, amendment or resolution passed by the Council. The Mayor may veto an ordinance, amendment or resolution within fourteen days after passage. The Mayor shall explain the reasons for the veto in a written message to the Council at the time of the veto.
*Reports to Council. Make such oral or written reports to the Council as required. These reports shall concern municipal affairs generally, the municipal departments, and recommendations suitable for Council action.
*Negotiations. Represent the City in all negotiations properly entered into in accordance with law or ordinance. The Mayor shall not represent the City where this duty is specifically delegated to another officer by law, ordinance, or Council direction.
Contracts. Whenever authorized by the Council, sign contracts on behalf of the City.
*Professional Services. Upon order of the Council, secure for the City such specialized and professional services not already available to the City. In executing the order of the Council, the Mayor shall act in accordance with the Code of Ordinances and the laws of the State.
*Licenses and Permits. Sign all licenses and permits which have been granted by the Council, except those designated by law or ordinance to be issued by another municipal officer.
*Nuisances. Issue written order for removal, at public expense, any nuisance for which no person can be found responsible and liable
*Absentee Officer. Make appropriate provision that duties of any absentee officer be carried on during such absence.
The Mayor appoints the following officials:
Mayor Pro Tem
Police Chief
City Attorney, with Council approval
Library Board of Trustees, with Council approval
Cable Television Commission, with Council approval
Health Officer
Park and Recreation Commission, with Council approval
West Branch Preservation Commission, with Council approval
It seems to me that the members of council have most of the power. I know the Mayoral post in Ypsi is part time, the present Mayor Farmer is a doctor, which I guess could be a part time job if you chose. I know our city is in a load of financial trouble that I can't begin to understand, but how much power does the Mayor have in creating new opportunites for getting us out of this situation?
These are just some questions that have been going through my head as I speak to friends. I missed the last debate, and I'm not sure if my questions would of been answered anyway. I have faith that with all the pride and support that the Ypsilanti residents have in this city we'll be able to make the best of whatever the outcome will be.