Wednesday, September 06, 2006

ahh the first day of school has arrived! i honestly didn't think that we would be able to get ourselves out of bed in time to get there, but as soon as the alarm went off, we all jumped up, excited to start the school year. well, not exactly "jumped up" there was some whining on my part, and "just 5 more minutes", but we made it in plenty of time.
Chloe was anxious to leave the house, she really really wanted to walk all by herself. I was all for it, but Shawn was a little worried. There is no stopping Chloe once she sets her mind to something, so we agreed that she could leave a little ahead of the rest of us.
Here are the traditional first day of school pictures:

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Allright, so I'm totally stealing this from my sister's blog, but I'm sure I'm a bigger fan of "Tranji" than she is. It's my mom! I guess she and my sister ran into Benji and Tranvis while in L.A. My mom went to be on the Price is Right, but didn't get called to be on stage, bummer, but they were in the third row, so I'm sure they got a good look at Bob Barker's corpse. I mean really, how long can that man live?

Monday, August 14, 2006

I had to get this t-shirt via Cupcake Royale. I'm a big fan of the cupcake, or any cake in gerneral. They are my weekness. Like Shawn has icecream and cereal, and the girls have candy from the five and dime, I've never met a piece of cake or cupcake that I didn't like. I've gotten to the point where one piece in never enough, so having a cake around is dangerous. We don't have a "cupcake" like shop around here, but it would be so cool if we did. My little dream downtown would be a yarn store, Japanese book shop, cupcake bakery, playmobile/toystore, and an excellent organic grocery store with butchershop. I could ride my bike there, fill my baskets, and take a little break at Bombadill's. Can the DDA get on that please?

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Here some pictures of our trip to the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village.
Livingroom of the
Notice the Heywood Wakefield furnishings.
This is the livingroom of the Dymaxion House, a completly round house made out of alluminum and suspended by cables.
Roof of Dymaxion House
Here is what the roof looks like, kind of a big umbrella. The square footage is actually bigger than our ranch house, but doesn't feel as spacious. I didn't care much for the bathroom and it's airplane like feel, but the rotating storage units were cool.
Rosa Parks bus
Here are the girls and Shawn sitting in the bus that Rosa Parks made history on.
This section of the museum is filled with artifacts representing the quest for freedom in America. There is the chair that President Lincoln was shot in, materials on the Civil Rights movement, and items dating back to our naitons independence. My favorite sections is fully furnished exhibit. It's like looking at a giant dollhouse full of historic funishings. There are dollhouses there as well, amazing little houses, one based on an actual Detroit residence. I mentioned that I wanted a dollhouse, and Shawn said "I'll make you one, just drawn up the plans." I've put it in writing, and I'm holding him to it.
Lastly the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile.
This is the vintage Wienermobile located outside the Wiendermobile Cafe. Outside, near the entrance to the Village was the updated Wienermobile.
Updated WienerMobile
They were auditioning children to be in Oscar Meyer commercials by singing the wiener song. Suddenly my children became unusually shy. MY CHILDREN would not sing the "oh I wish I was an Oscar Meyer wiener" song. I bribbed them and everything. Money almost always works, but not in this case. We did get free wiener wistles though. Geez, how many times can I type the word wiener??

Friday, August 11, 2006

Tampon Doll, My Paper Crane
Here is the cute tampon doll I got at the Detroit Craft Fair courtesy of My Paper Crane. Heidi wasn't actually there, someone else was selling the dolls as well as a bunch of other artists stuff. I was so excited when I saw them. I've always wanted something of MPC, but never took the time to order. Now that I see how well they are made and how cute they are in person, I'm going to have to get some more. Chloe went with me to pick it out. She was really embarressed and hiding behind me. I asked her if she wanted to hold it, and she was like "MOM! no!", but then cuddled it all the way home in the car. Now it proudly sits on the back of the toilet.
We are off to the Henry Ford Museum today. I'm excited to see the Oscar Meyer Weiner Mobile and get a weiner wistle. I finsished project 1 of 3, and will get something posted soon. Oops got to run, Shawn is annoyed with all us women who take too long to get out of the house, it used to be the other way around, i've gotten more relaxed in my old age!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

farmer's market
See what you can get when you go to the Ypsilanti Tuesday Farmer's Market at the Key Bank parking lot!
Green beans, little sweet peppers, corn, collards, cucumbers, summer apples, blueberries, and a veggie pasty all that for about $12. it's a bargin. I love that it just keeps getting better too as the summer goes on.
It's been quite a lazy week and start to this day. We've finally been able to turn the air off and get some fresh air in the house. The basement is still a meat locker though which is a nice escape in the middle of the afternoon. I have 3 project that are almost complete. I still need to comment on the Detroit Urban Craft Fair too. Perhaps if the sun comes out today I'll snap some pictures of my finds.

Monday, July 31, 2006

What does a mayor do? It's something that I've been thinking and discussing with friends lately. If you haven't heard (big national news) Ypsilanti is in the midst of a heated Mayoral Election. I've never really been educated on local politics, and I guess as I grow older, I find myself becoming more and more interested in what is going on in the community. I have children in the public schools, we support local businesses, and we go to every single parade this parade loving town offers! I want to see Ypsilanti succeed and continue to live here into old age. So I care about the city. What I need to know is, what does a mayor of a city the size of Ypsilanti do???
Looking online, I found the following:

The Mayor is elected for a term of four (4) years. The powers and duties of the Mayor are as follows:

*Presiding Officer. Act as the the presiding officer of the City Council, supervise all departments of the City, except for supervisory duties delegated to the City Administrator, give direction to department heads concerning the functions of the departments, and have the power to examine all functions of the municipal departments, their records and to call for special reports from department heads at any time.

*Proclamation of Emergency. Have authority to take command of the police and govern the City by proclamation, upon making a determination that a time of emergency or public danger exists. Within the City limits, the Mayor has all the powers conferred upon the Sheriff to suppress disorders.

*Special Meetings. Call special meetings of the Council when the Mayor deems such meetings necessary to the interests of the City.

*Mayor's Veto. Sign, veto or take no action on an ordinance, amendment or resolution passed by the Council. The Mayor may veto an ordinance, amendment or resolution within fourteen days after passage. The Mayor shall explain the reasons for the veto in a written message to the Council at the time of the veto.

*Reports to Council. Make such oral or written reports to the Council as required. These reports shall concern municipal affairs generally, the municipal departments, and recommendations suitable for Council action.

*Negotiations. Represent the City in all negotiations properly entered into in accordance with law or ordinance. The Mayor shall not represent the City where this duty is specifically delegated to another officer by law, ordinance, or Council direction.
Contracts. Whenever authorized by the Council, sign contracts on behalf of the City.

*Professional Services. Upon order of the Council, secure for the City such specialized and professional services not already available to the City. In executing the order of the Council, the Mayor shall act in accordance with the Code of Ordinances and the laws of the State.

*Licenses and Permits. Sign all licenses and permits which have been granted by the Council, except those designated by law or ordinance to be issued by another municipal officer.

*Nuisances. Issue written order for removal, at public expense, any nuisance for which no person can be found responsible and liable

*Absentee Officer. Make appropriate provision that duties of any absentee officer be carried on during such absence.

The Mayor appoints the following officials:

Mayor Pro Tem
Police Chief
City Attorney, with Council approval
Library Board of Trustees, with Council approval
Cable Television Commission, with Council approval
Health Officer
Park and Recreation Commission, with Council approval
West Branch Preservation Commission, with Council approval

It seems to me that the members of council have most of the power. I know the Mayoral post in Ypsi is part time, the present Mayor Farmer is a doctor, which I guess could be a part time job if you chose. I know our city is in a load of financial trouble that I can't begin to understand, but how much power does the Mayor have in creating new opportunites for getting us out of this situation?
These are just some questions that have been going through my head as I speak to friends. I missed the last debate, and I'm not sure if my questions would of been answered anyway. I have faith that with all the pride and support that the Ypsilanti residents have in this city we'll be able to make the best of whatever the outcome will be.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

I got my fabric from
  • Kitty Craft

  • It was the first time I had every ordered anything from her, and I absolutly love the fabric. It's like a dream come true to be able to order Japanese prints and have them arrive only a few weeks later. Now to figure out what I want to do with them all. I think I'll just stare at them for awhile.
    I had some really great finds at the thrift shop this week. The first thing I spotted was a Ballerina paint by number which I snapped up, along with a set of light blue fire king mugs and saucers. I was also lucky enought to add another cute apron to the collection. This one is a feedsack print with little boys and girls playing on a blue background. I'm feeling lazy about photos, so perhaps if it gets sunny out later I'll get around to it.
    I found a nice pile of old "Woman's Day" Granny Square magzines, as well as these beautiful photographed "Reynolds" pattern books. The models are so sweet, and the sweaters are very contemporary. I got 4 total, 2 on sweaters, one for socks, and one for children. Here are few from the first book
    reynolds cover
    Reynolds magazine
    Reynolds magazine
    Reynolds magazine
    I will have to scan some of the second book, they are a lot more modern, and the hairstyles are adorable.

    Friday, July 28, 2006

    drink up
    I noticed today that I have alot of bevereges in my fridge. It's been sooo hot lately that I can't help myself. I feel like I want to just drink nice cool drinks all day long. I don't drink soda, but recently I've been craving cherry coke, real cherry coke like from a soda fountain at the pool hall. I haven't even had any coffee in over 2 weeks! that's really really odd for me, it's just been too hot! Now I see that it's going to be in the high 90's for the next week, I guess I'll stock up on more sweet tea. Which, Shawn was happy to see that Sweet Leaf tea now comes in big jugs. I know I could make some for pennies compared to what the jug cost, but it's so darn easy to just buy it.
    Check out my friend Julie's blog
  • Ypsibites
  • it's quite lovely, and i really want to make the cherry tart she has pictured.
    Shawn came accross another great local food blog
  • Kitchen Chick
  • I love her recipes, and the resturaunt reviews are very helpful. I especially like her last entry on "corn smut". I'm not quite as daring in my cooking, but I would eat it if she made it.

    Tuesday, July 25, 2006

    summer houses
    I knew there was a reason why I saved all that leftover easter candy. The girls and thier friends made summer candy houses. I made up a batch of icing for the glue and let them go at it with any and all stale cookies and candies I could dig up. The results were very cute.

    Thursday, July 20, 2006

    Today is quite gloomy and rainy. i feel sorry for the girls. they are supposed to go to a water park today with their camp, it's like the big ta-doo at camp week, so i'm hoping that they will postpone it til tomorrow. i like the rain. it feels good to not have to water the plants. i'm listening to the
  • Craftsanity
  • interview with Heidi from
  • My Paper Crane
  • I've been reading Heidi's blog for a long time now, and am always amazed at what she is able to make with fabric. I always wonder where moms get the energy to do so much, especially moms with small children. My girls are older now, and they are pretty self sufficiant, they can run the cable tv better than I I have large chunks of time to myself to get things done. But I get so occupied with cleaning!!!! ug, it drives me's not like i'm OCD or something, but i just like things to be in their place. Right now, since i have basically ALL DAY to myself, i'm really trying to get some things done that I would normally not be able to get around to, like large chunks of sewing. I take breaks and put away toys and dishes, but for the most part, i'm really trying to ignore the piles of stuff here and there. I had this friend years ago who NEVER cleaned. she was a stay at home mom artist, a wonderful painter and crafter, really talented, and that's what she did with her day. we would go over and there would be just stuff everywhere, dishes, laundry, crap, everywhere, and she would just be like, whatever. i kind of admired her ability to ignore the mess.
    so this week, i have been able to get alot done. I made some bags, and have some cute little notebooks and phonebook covers on the way to the cutting table. I ordered some fabric from
  • Kittycraft
  • that I can't wait to get my hands on.
    I just noticed that craftsanity is going to be at the Detroit Urban Craft Fair! So cool, can't wait to listen to the podcast.
    Shawn skipped out of work yesterday to take me out for lunch, and get me these cool shoes:
    i don't deserve such niceness. he's also hanging out with our friend Gerry and the kids this weekend while his wife and I and many others attend the Beer Festival.
    here is a funny photo of me from last weekend, i look like i'm appalled about something, i don't recall what stacey was talking about, but most likely something about the Ypsi Mayoral canidates, it tends to occupy our conversations lately.
    If you are curious, I like Pierce.

    Saturday, July 15, 2006

    Today we headed on over to the
  • Shadow Art Fair
  • at the Corner Brewery in Ypsilanti. It was really great to see how many people came out. We were there for atleast a couple hours with an unending crowd rolling in and out. There were 30 vendors in all, and I thought all the stuff was great. I had no idea there were so many great local artists. We got the girls t-shirts from
  • Feather Weight Goods

  • and adorable chokers from

  • chloe
    There were also really adorable dolls called Lullaboos made by this womam, Margaret. They are made of socks and are the softest, cutest things. I really loved the little pockets on the back, and the faces were so sweet.

  • Cheers to Jennifer at
  • and Mark Maynard
  • for organizing the fair (perhaps there are more people, but I'm not sure who they are)....we had a great time. the kids made out like bandits, i didn't even have a chance to grab a beer.
    I almost forgot, Molly Mast,
  • I loved her stuff. cute designes and adorable shirts, my oh my.
  • was there making t-shirts on the spot. Her patterns are really cool, what a great idea. i'm at a loss for adjectives.
    next up is the

  • I've never been, but there was a table at the Shadow fair set up with some of the vendors with some cute stuff.
    It would be really cool to participate in these fairs. Perhaps I'll be able to get myself some items going for next year. It was quite inspirational.

    Friday, July 14, 2006

    I've found the best way to locate local yard/estate sales is through

  • go to the classified section, and from there you can choose what area newspapers you would like to search from.
    What is really cool, you can choose which sales you want to save, then print them all out in the end. I then go to mapquest and get the directions. It makes my yard sale'n so much easier.
    Hey locals! Don't forget to attend the Shadow Art Fair
  • Just another reason why I love to live here.
    Oh, and have you got your ticket to the Summer Beer Festival?
  • Thursday, July 13, 2006

    Here's a peek at my almost finished craft room. it's in the basement, so we don't really have any natural light. that kind of bums me out, so i need to find a solution. I organized my fabric in two layers, most of the solids are behind the prints. Then I put all my little scraps in the polka-dot boxes.

    fabric stash

    I still have to go through all my notions, buttions, ribbons, and knitting stuff. I also set up a shelf on my bookcase for all my crafty books, right next to all of Shawns nerdhammer, computer, oh and tatting books. so many hobbies, so little time.
    Now, what to do with the desk.

    desk in progress

    what a mess.

    Off to park!

    Sunday, July 09, 2006

    roxycraft doll

    I finished the free amigurumi patten from Roxycraft. I had to tweek her a little bit since i'm new at following patterns. I really love to crochet now, lots more than knitting! I think because it's so fast, and i'm such a instant gratification type personality. I'm going to try and make up some patterns of my own today.
    Craftroom update.......ummm yeah,

    Monday, July 03, 2006

    the latest news around here is the newest addition to our animal kingdom. Chloe saved her pennies and finally got a cornsnake. as much as i wanted to veto the whole idea, i now am totally in love with the little guy.


    We also adopted 2 little hamsters. I know, a snake and 2 hamsters don't really go together, throw in the 3 cats and dog and we have a whole food chain. Anyway, they are a little bit sassy, but fun to watch run around the table with the exception of the little turds they leave for presents.


    I have been busy rearranging my craftroom. last night i got a burst of energy and was able to get almost all my fabric organized. when i'm finally done sometime in this century, i'll post a photo.

    Wednesday, June 21, 2006

    We had an amazing playdate yesterday with a newly made friend for both me and the girls. They had the most beautiful historic house, I fell in love as soon as I walked into the built in porch. The wicker furniture was covered in patchy quilt cushions, and there were tons of cute little things everywhere. I think I've met my thrifty match. She also had a basement full of crafty goodness. She brought up several bags of yarns, baskets, flowers, boxes, shells, beads, you name it. Chloe made a sailor's valentine, and Lily made some magnets. They also made these:
    They're like chia pets, made out of nylon some dirt, grass seed and googly eyes. She was so cool! We all had fun, and I found another mom who refuses to make barbie dolls, or polly pockets talk. I'm not as crappy as I thought I was.

    Saturday, June 17, 2006

    We went to our next door neighborhood yard sales today. i scored right off the top with 2 bags of hand dyed wool yarn for $5
    Next, Shawn bought a whole box of i drawing materials, including ink, pens, and paper for $5.

    It was really really really hot, so the girls were on super whining mode, not to mention that they wanted every piece of wierd crap they saw. i need to train their yard sale eyes better.

    The last sale we went to was huge, and had lots of moth ball smelling stuff. I scored some more cute Christmas decorations. The cupcake decorations make me think of Amy Sedaris, and I love the wiener dog card holder.



    There were other odds and ends, bits of wool yarn, a new Simpson's Christmas dishtowl set, and a Mormon Cookbook. I have been looking for a bio on John Wesley, and this one looked perfect.

    Wednesday, June 14, 2006

    Mom does it again, this time with some of her childhood National Handcraft "fad-of-the-month" club kits. I love that my Grandmother never threw anything away.
    fad of the month

    the letter is from 1959

    fad of the month

    I plan on making these today with the girls. There is also an apron doll and a magnetic snap purse.

    Friday, June 09, 2006

    My mom has been finding some great material while cleaning out my grandma's house. here is a selection of my favorites. I especially love the feedsack.



    This is some christmas material that I got at the neighborhood yard sales last week. it was my only great find.
    you win some you lose some.

    Today was the last day of school.


    Here they were on the first day



    Tonight is the school carnival. I'm painting faces, nice to know that art degree is getting put to good use.

    Thursday, June 08, 2006

    first of all, my computer has been in the basement for the whole entire winter, where it is not too warm or cozy, so that is my first excuse.....second, i was working, and had not too many things to post in the way of craftyness. who wants to hear about my 7 months of customer service work?? hmmmm, didn't think so.
    so i'll kind of start a fresh new blog, we've started the summer with a little gardening, as you can see, i have plenty of help.

    Lily and Chloe have been working on making Fairey houses and trying not to trample any of the new plants I have put in. i'm going to try really hard this year not to be neglectful and let the weeds eat all my hard work.

    Next we headed to Greenfield village

    Chloe wasn't feeling the moment.

    I love walking through all the homes and seeing how they were decorated. This house was insulated using cardboard and old newspapers.
    The beds were covered with these adorable quilts.

    We're kind of set on visiting as many places as we can in Michigan this year. I've never been up North since we've moved here, and the girls are excited about going to the dunes and lakes. I'm such a homebody, so I'm thinking that some weekend adventures would be just the thing. Other goals are helping Lily learn to sew on the machine her grandma gave her, and perhaps Chloe as well. I have a small lists of projects to start and hopefully finish by the end of summer. i'm hoping that this will kick my butt into getting them done.

    Check out my sister's blog for a great picture of her with my boyfried Anthony. I get cable TV today!! we haven't had cable in years, and i had no idea how far it had come. i can watch "a cook's tour" ON DEMAND. since tomorrow is the girl's last day of school, we're having a "rot your brain" day. basically they can watch all the tv they want all day without me setting the timer like i usually do. it's their one true day of tv freedom. tomorrow i'll post our NEW ikea furniture, after i clean up all the crap. xoxo